一、个人简介 吴可嘉,男,博士,副教授,2020年获澳门大学生物医药博士学位。近5年,在Angewandte Chemie International Edition, TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, ACS sensors, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry等期刊上发表SCI论文30余篇,其中第一及通讯作者论文18篇。现任中国生理学会循环生理专业委员会委员,江苏省病理生理学会青年委员会委员,Chinese Medicine等杂志青年编委。 二、研究领域 近年来一直从事天然产物药物发现及其机制研究。在药物高通量筛选平台建设,诊疗一体化技术开发及心血管疾病机制研究等发方面具有较好的研究基础。 三、学术成果 (一)代表性项目 主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,江南大学中央高校基本科研计划(青年项目)1项,横向课题1项,申报国家发明专利1项。 (二)代表性论文 Chen Q, Wang WY, Xu QY, Dai YF, Zhu XY, Chen ZY, Sun N, Leung CH, Gao F* andWu KJ*. (2024) The Enhancing Effects of Selenomethionine on Harmine in Attenuating Pathological Cardiac Hypertrophy via Glycolysis Metabolism. J Cell Mol Med 28(19), e70124. Wu KJ, Chen Q, Leung CH*, Sun N*, Gao F*, Chen ZY*. (2024) Recent discoveries of the role of histone modifications and related inhibitors in pathological cardiac hypertrophy. Drug Discov Today, 29, 2 103878 Song YQ,Wu KJ (Co-first author), Zhang ZM, Liu TM, Ko NC, Zhu WG, Ma DL*, Wang WH* and Leung CH *.(2023) Development of a sensitive luminescent probe to uncover new BRD4 inhibitors in living cells.Chem Eng J463, 142356
Wu KJ, Gong B, Wang PC, Zheng LQ, Fang M, Liu X, Gong ZY*. (2022) Assessment and Comparison of Bioavailability of Cadmium in Different Foods Using In Vitro, In Cellulo, and In Vivo Models. Food Anal. Methods., 62, 1-8.
Wu KJ, Wu C, Fang M, Ding BB, Liu PP, Zhou MX, Gong ZY*,Ma DL* and Leung CH*.(2021)Application of metal–organic framework for the adsorption and detection of food contamination.Trends Analyt Chem143, 116384.
Wu KJ, Wu C, Chen F, Cheng SS, Ma DL* and Leung CH*. (2020) A time-resolved luminescent high-throughput screening platform for lysosomotropic compounds in living cells.ACS Sens6, 166. Wu C,Wu KJ (Co-first author), Liu JB, Wang WH, Leung CH* and Ma DL*. (2020) Structure-guided discovery of a luminescent theranostic toolkit for living cancer cells and the imaging behavior effect.Chem Sci11, 11404.Front cover Wang WH,Wu KJ (Co-first author), Vellaisamy K, Leung CH* and Ma DL*. (2020) Peptide-conjugated long-lived theranostic imaging toolbox for targeting GRPr in cancer and immune cells.Angew Chem Int Ed59,17897.Inside cover Wu KJ, Ho HS, Dong JY, Fu L, Wang SP, Liu H, Wu C, Leung CH*, Wang HMD*, Ma DL*. (2020) An aliphatic group-tethered iridium complex as a theranostic agent against malignant melanoma metastasis.ACS Applied Bio Materials3,4, 2017. Wu KJ, Zhong HJ, Li GD, Liu CF, Wang HMD, Ma DL,* Leung CH.* (2018) Structure-based identification of a NEDD8-activating enzyme inhibitor via drug repurposing.Eur J Med. Chem143, 1021. 四、联系方式 邮箱:kj-wu@jiangnan.edu.cn |